Monday, October 20, 2014

how green are you?

When I was 12 or 13 years old, I tried to recycle on my house, I tried to recycle tetra pack, papers, all that things, and also I tried to make compost for the plants of my house, but it didn’t worked because anybody in my family helped me, so the recycling just had a during of a month or something like that. But the next year, with a friend of the school we tried to make a project in the school to installing recycling bin and promote de recycle in the classroom we was inspired in Juan Carlos Bodoque from 31 minutes. But this project didn´t worked because the teachers and the students didn’t had a real interest in worked on this. So our project was just 6 recycle bin for paper, glass, plastic, etc. but the people used this for take out any kind of trush. We was sad because we think that if we show any kind of interest on recycling, the school was going to start teaching to the students to do it, we think while more little was the people more easy was going to learn to recycle and all was going to assimilate recycling in their life.

Today I don’t recycle, I think that was so many times that it didn’t worked that so I decide when I live  alone I will going to do it, I think that all the people must to recycle or do something to avoid contaminate more. For while I ride in bike the most times I can. Another think I do is that I’m vegetarian for 2 years and a half, not just for the suffering of the animals also because I’m not agree with the industry of the meat, and also because is more healthy don’t eat meat.

Well, I think that are the things that I can tell you about how green are I.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Sexist Practice on the Public Transport

I’m going to talk about the public transport, specifically, about the sexist practice on the transantiago.

The first thing I want to talk is when a man comes to sit beside you and they open their legs and take you off your space in the seat. So you have two options: accept that he need open their legs “for his comfort” or open your legs and try to recover your space.

The second thing I hate is that if you (women) try to give your sit to an old men he don’t accept it, but when another man try to give him the seat he don’t have any problem to accept it. This supposed for the chivalry.

The third thing I hate about the transport public is the subway, especially when this is full of people, because some men try to touching you improperly, taking advantage of the multitude. This I think is the most denigrating for people in general.

The fourth thing I hate (I know this point is really questionable) is when some woman take advantage just for be a women and don’t try to give the seat even if there are old people or persons with children or babies (Some women really think that they are the weak sex). I think that if you want to change some practices in the society you can’t replicate that same practices. Although I understand that sometimes you can be exhausted of the sexism and you maybe can taking advantage from some practices in the patriarchal society, but I think is bad abused of that or don’t have conscience about what are you doing.

These are the things that I hate about the sexist practice on the public transport, although I hate the cost of the ticket, but always you can request permission to enter in the bus.